These are all my own works unless noted (envlopes is written with my sister). I started writing last year and with the encouragement of a few friends decided to post them online. They are reponses to life as I experience it.
Haiku (俳句) is a form of Japanese poetry,a revision of the older 19th century 句, hokku, the opening verse of a linked verse form, haikai no renga. A haiku contains a special season word representative of the season in which the renga is set.Japanese haiku are typically written as a single line, while in English haiku are usually separated into 3 lines.Hokku is used for verses that are written, if only theoretically, as opening verses of haikai no renga;
Japanese haiku is, today, a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.
Some early haikus from Bashō:
Furu ike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto
Old pond
Frog jump-in
Water sound
Hatsu shigure saru mo komino wo hoshige nari
the first cold shower;
even the monkey seems to want
a little coat of straw.
[At that time, Japanese rain-gear consisted of a large, round hat and a shaggy straw cloak.]
lovely and gentle. i assume these are your own work. or are they translations?
These are all my own works unless noted (envlopes is written with my sister). I started writing last year and with the encouragement of a few friends decided to post them online. They are reponses to life as I experience it.
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